Atomic Ned

music. pop culture. sports. babies.


At night she sleeps
The little one, Abbey, is now sleeping through the night. It's amazing how much different it makes things. No more checking the baby monitor every 5 minutes from the time we put her to bed (8pm) to the time we go to bed (midnight). Even on her "off" nights she's only getting up once and is easily lulled back to sleep by a pacifier.

Kasey the Country Queen
My interview with Aussie pop-star Kasey Chambers was confirmed for next week. I have no idea what I'm going to talk to her about (babies maybe?) but I'm really looking forward to it.

Atomic Ned is moving
In a few short weeks Atomic Ned will be moving to a new home. Robert has asked me to join his community and I'm really looking forward to it. Look for a lot more updates once the move is completed.